Saturday, April 25, 2009

Its time to open the toilet door again

I remember a time when I was traveling overnight in a general class railway compartment during college. I used to do that a lot then... wonder why I stopped. Met really genuine people during those journeys. Anyways that's a different story.
So, I was in a general compartment, had not got a seat ( never ever did actually) and so, about twelve of us were wedged inside the narrow corridor connecting the two exits( yes, almost under the basin and beside the toilet).
I use 'us' generically as I did not know any of my co-passengers. Actually, when one is in a situation where one has to ask permission from at least three people to shift own weight from one buttock to another, one kind of develops a rapport with the whole group.
It was night and it was very hot and humid. There was absolutely no cross wind as a guy was standing in front of one of the door windows. All were perspiring freely and cursing the poor guy, when an old man smiled and said " Open the toilet door".
Yeah right, exactly what we needed, to add 'stink' to the heat and humidity. Most, all of us scoffed at the yucky idea. The old man grinned his grin, got up and went and sat in the toilet, holding the door open. " Give it some time", was all he said.
Soon the stench filled the corridor, but that was gone in 30 seconds flat. Cool air flowed freely from one of the door windows out of the toilet window and took all the stench out in seconds. We were a lot more comfortable and refreshed as the breeze also took away both the heat and the humidity. The solution still left another toilet for its intended use.

Taught me a good lesson that I think is very useful for me right now. :)

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