Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Art and Maladies

Found the perfect definition for the maladies bothering me since a long time. Its called procrastination. For those rolling their eyes, I must tell that for a long time I thought procrastination to be a glorified word for laziness!!!
For those still in the check the definition is bound to make a lot of you feel better.

Been reading a book called "The Invisible Art" by Scott Mccloud. Haven't finished it ....only reached the 3rd chapter but will recommend it to everybody interested even remotely to the world of comics. I am sure it is standard reading material for comic artists ( I can see them again rolling their eyes).

Have been studying a bit about the art of persuasive presentations and examples cannot get better than this book.

Google to know more....


chi said...

finished it and would still recommend it to all!!!

Eskoni said...

Do you think that comic artists or people who do carricatures (what do you call them I dont know) need to have their talent as inborn (even if not fully but partially) or can competely devlop the talent?

chi said...

Well, for a long time I thought I could think up funny situations but could not get them on paper as I did not have the skill.
Then I started trying and now I can draw a bit.
I think getting it on paper is a skill that can be developed.
Looking at the funny side of things is an attitude!!

Eskoni said...

Saw a book on learning carricatures yesterday. Thought of buying but was a bit apprehensive. I somehow feel that people need to have a bit of the mind bend to know how to draw. Ok I can copy and follow the instruction given on the book but developing a character or doing carricature seeing the real person is a really really tough job...