Saturday, June 28, 2008


There comes a time in everyones lives when he stops feeling envious for what others have and starts to appreciate the joys in his own life.

That time hasn't come for me yet...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

By cycle....

I love to cycle.
As a machine it has always fascinated me. I often wonder at the confidence of the person who built the first one. I am sure he must have promptly fallen off the first time he rode it and yet,must have persisted till he mastered the balance. I cannot honestly recall the last time I did that with a design of mine that did not succeed at the first trial.
Went for a long cycle trek yesterday. It was about 30 kilometers. I think it is the best way it understand the problems with the design.... actually any design. Most of what we do is use a product once and try to figure out the things that could be improved.
Using my cycle once would never given me the idea that the wrists hurt due to the right angle the handle bar makes with the hands, or that a rear view mirror is a good idea even on a bicycle, or even that the seat cushioning does not match my butt contours!!
I guess why people depend on the power of collective opinion( surveys) is because it is quicker and throws up interesting charts and figures ( and though this is very important, it is an imperfect process).
To know the design it is much more useful to take the bike out for that long hike. The painful butt is a powerful stimulant!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Art and Maladies

Found the perfect definition for the maladies bothering me since a long time. Its called procrastination. For those rolling their eyes, I must tell that for a long time I thought procrastination to be a glorified word for laziness!!!
For those still in the check the definition is bound to make a lot of you feel better.

Been reading a book called "The Invisible Art" by Scott Mccloud. Haven't finished it ....only reached the 3rd chapter but will recommend it to everybody interested even remotely to the world of comics. I am sure it is standard reading material for comic artists ( I can see them again rolling their eyes).

Have been studying a bit about the art of persuasive presentations and examples cannot get better than this book.

Google to know more....